Thursday, July 13, 2006

We Want Trailers, Now We Don't!

I have been meaning to complete this saga. But somehow haven't managed to devote a chunk of my time to finish what I started. Will do. Must do. Soon. Very soon.

Was watching CNN yesterday and there was yet another news clip on Katrina (I normally never miss anything on this subject). This time they were talking to this lady, Diane Lionel, whom I personally delivered a trailer to. Was hoping to hear some inordinate praises for our hard work, but she was raging mad. The trailer we gave her was right there, in her front yard with my finger prints and all. Her house had been repaired and now with the wake of a new hurricane season, she had a new worry. The trailer sitting in front of her house could prove to be a projectile under heavy winds and damage her house. There are many people like Diane who are worried and want FEMA to take their trailer away.

A FEMA representative informed us that there are still 9000 people who are waiting to receive their trailers. Diane's trailers can't be given to those people as they are expecting a brand new trailer and will not accept a refurbished one. Brilliant! Sometimes I feel some people deserve their government!